Pathology and Genetics
Biopsy results are generally regarded as the golden standard of diagnosis. Our hospital is equipped with a dedicated pathology lab capable of frozen section studies along with conventional and advanced pathological studies including immunohistochemical staining, immunofluorescence approaches and advanced genetic studies. Pathology Biopsy results form the basis of diagnosis and advanced genetic and hormone testing allow for patient-specific treatment approaches a such as immunotherapy and targeted smart therapy protocols.
Pathology literally means the science of disease. It examines the changes that occur at the cellular level in organs as a result of diseases. Tissue and cell samples are examined, and when necessary, they are examined by using techniques such as histo (cyto) chemistry, immune histo (cyto) chemistry, immunofluorescence, and FISH, in addition to the usual methods. Pathology diagnoses diseases by the appearance of cells under the microscope.In a pathology laboratory, cervicovaginal smear, fine-needle aspirations, tru-cut biopsies, small biopsies, excisional biopsies and operation materials are performed in detail, and if necessary, accompanied by USG or CT. In the cervicovaginal smear examination, liquid-based smear technique is used.In the examination of biopsy and operation materials, especially in tumor cases, it is recommended to perform advanced staining studies, such as histochemical and immune histochemical studies, if necessary.Emsey Hospital Pathology unit is in contact with all branches because of the multidisciplinary working principles of our hospital.
Hayreddin YEKELER